Cast: Ryan Reynolds, Blake Lively, Peter Sarsgaard, Mark Strong, Temuera Morrison, Tim Robbins, Angela Bassett, Michael Clarke Duncan, Geoffrey Rush
Directors: Martin Campbell
Runtime: 105mins
Certificate: 12A
Release Date: 17 June 2011
Stewart R: And so the endless months of DC’s press, promotion and merchandising push comes to a head for 2011 as their big bet finally hits 3D and 2D cinema screens worldwide carrying their, and Warner Bros', hopes of a new, blockbusting franchise. They, and die-hard fans around the globe really do have hopes that they can turn this Summer green and ‘will’ as many bums onto seats as possible so that the adventures of Green Lantern can capture the imagination of young and old alike.
A-lister in waiting, Ryan Reynolds plays Hal Jordan, cocky test pilot with mountains of potential, something to prove and lingering issues over the death of his father. When his persisting fear of perishing as his father did begins to see his life unravel on Earth, larger, galactically important events unfolding out in the cosmos conspire to point him in a new direction. And so was born the first human member of the Green Lantern Corps: an army of empowered peacekeepers that patrol the universe at the behest of the Guardians and using the power of Will to create physical constructs to help them do so. At the same point that Hal is being deputised, the Corps and the Guardians are facing one of the greatest threats they’ve ever faced as Parallax, the very embodiment of the energy of Fear, is set free and sets course for Oa, the Corps homeworld, to exact its revenge.

The screenwriters and director Campbell - he who directed Goldeneye, Mask of Zorro and Casino Royale to reasonable success - opt for the safest option of all by going with the traditional superhero origin story route in showing us how Hal becomes a Green Lantern and, in taking this safe path, they manage to rob the film of the great potential it had. The tried and tested formula checklist is printed and neatly ticked off as we go; 1) Troubled protagonist who’s not meeting his potential? Check. 2) Love interest who snaps venom and lobs puppy dog eyes at the protagonist in equal measure throughout? Check. 3) Outcast childhood friend/acquaintance to both protagonist and love interest who ends up with powers of his own and a taste for revenge? Check! It goes on like this for at least an hour of the film and some 34 years after Star Wars (yes, I’m mentioning it here) it still seems to suggest that film companies continue to believe that audiences are simply incapable of grasping a comic book or science fiction story without having exposition and clichéd story heaped atop a spoon, coated with CGI sugar and then rammed into their willing gobs.

Don’t get me wrong, I’m no hater of this live action Green Lantern; there are some good laughs from some neat comedy dialogue, a nice line in realising that superhero anonymity in these knowing times is not as simple as comics of 50 years ago made out it was, and some effective acting from the cast. Reynolds does a reasonable job in the lead role and convinces in his transformation from the self-depreciating fly-boy to unflinching superhero. Peter Sarsgaard for me excels as Hector Hammond who’s own transformation into a feeble bodied yet psionically powerful antagonist should have probably been the peg on which this film hung it’s villains' cloak. Anyone playing a member of the Green Lantern Corps does a fine job as well. In an example of great casting Mark Strong as Sinestro and Temeura Morrison’s Abin Sur offer up so much promise yet find themselves unfortunately robbed of screen time. Blake Lively appears to me to be a miscasting as Carol Ferris, being not nearly ‘lively’ enough and Tim Robbins’ strangely hammy performance grates in a character role that adds nothing to the story whatsoever.

At the end of the day I’ve come away from my viewing of Green Lantern disappointed that the creators don’t appear to have realised that they were taking far too much on for a debut feature for this comic book character. A streamlined and cut-down origin - probably away from the confines and comforts of an Earth setting - could have really set this up as a long-term franchise investment for them and importantly for the viewing public. By no means is it a complete failure and there’s enough entertainment to be found over the course of nearly two hours to merit seeing it on the big screen and in 3D. In fact I would suggest that option over waiting for the DVD or Blu Ray which may rob a viewing of the spectacle which helps to make it watchable. It’s not terrible and it’s not brilliant and it gets a 5/10
I effing knew it. I mean, I still want to see it, but it will be on the discount day here. Or maybe just wait till DVD. Man...I though Geoff Johns could do better. smh
Stewart I'm going to have to disagree with you on your review.
I thought it was a great movie and yes it has a lot in it to get your head round but it's just a movie at the end of the day and I'll never understand why us fan boys/girls have to pick things apart.
Everything I've read on-line seem's to be putting this movie down,just
enjoy it for what it is a fun action movie.
I was particularly unimpressed myself. The effects were amazing, and the post-credits tease, whilst obvious was epic! The final 3rd of the film from the:
*SPOILER* the formation of a certain ring *
was very good, but the rest was just too packed & very slow. I'd give it a 6 out of 10 however, and I was expecting it to be much worse than this due to pre-existing reviews, but judging by the trailer I was expecting much more.
Also, what is it with people adapting the more fantastical fearsome comic book villains as a cloud?
Okay... SPOILERS...
I agree with Joe, Parallax as a big yellow cloud was lame. And while the trailers suggested a global, and indeed galactic, scale, at the end of the day we got Parallax tearing up a single street in Coast City. Wow.
And why the hell include the Green Lantern Corps if they're not going to do anything but stand around listening to Sinestro talk. (Which, was admittedly the best thing about the movie - Mark Strong was awesome!).
Clumsy scripting, some miscasting (yeah, Reynolds never convinces as a man that the ring would pick above all others on the planet Earth; and Tim Robbins - WTF?!) made this movie below average superhero far. Watchable but infuriating.
And Ian - just a movie? It's a Green Lantern movie, dammit, and at $200 million plus ($300 million all in some reports are saying) it could have been, no, should have been much, much better than this.
Well it could have been better,could have been worse [at least it's not Catwoman]but it is just a movie and maybe we expect to much from these film makers to get it right, and lets face it fan boys and girls will always find something to pick at,at least these movies are getting made and making joe public aware that there are more comic superheroes out there than just Superman,Spider-Man etc.
And I would hope that it brings more people into the comic shops,but it's been proven that no matter how good a movie is it's not going to bring a lot more people into reading comics if any.
Now don't get me wrong I'd like a good superhero movie just as much as the next person,but it is just that a movie,just as a comic book is just a comic book and again don't get me wrong I love my hobby and have since I was ten,I just don't take it as serious as some of us seem to do
oop's for got to leave my name on the last comment,it's from Ian Walker.
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