12 Oct 2011

Incoming... 12/10/2011

New comics are released Wednesday in the States and guess what, in the UK too! Here's a brief look at our expectations for the books we're picking up this week.

Stewart R: Being concerned for a characters’ welfare can turn a reasonable comic read into a real page-turner, so with two leads living on the edge and surviving by their wits and honed skills alone against insurmountable odds will make an issue simply unmissable. I’ll be heading down to Paradox Comics this Autumn day in anticipation of picking up such a comic. American Vampire: Survival of the Fittest #5 brings the spinoff series to its conclusion and though I’m really pulling for Cash and Felicia to make it through unscathed, Scott Snyder has shown that he can keep a reading audience on tenterhooks and isn’t afraid at throwing in a real surprise or two in when we least expect it. He’s been ably supported by Sean Murphy who has produced some truly stunning artwork throughout and I can only hope that these creators are currently planning another collaboration as we read through the final issue.

Over at Marvel, they’re looking at new beginnings following the end of Schism as the mutants of Utopia face a decision over who they choose to side with, Wolverine or Cyclops, as their species moves forwards. Despite Schism being Jason Aaron’s ‘baby’ I’m pretty pleased that X-Men: Regenesis #1 has been left in the hands of Uncanny X-Men scribe Kieron Gillen as he seems to be the writer with the best grasp of the inter-team politics amongst the ranks of these troubled superheroes. He’s certainly the one who seems to fully understand Cyclops’ attitude and motivations, and the interesting thing will be to see just how he deals with the fundamental shift that Aaron has put in place.

DC are of course done with #1 issues for the time being (I’m sure a few more will pop up in a couple of months time) and so we’re neck deep in their #2 offerings for the second week running. In my opinion, Peter J. Tomasi and Patrick Gleason were responsible for the best title out of the entire New 52’s opening month and Batman and Robin #2 is high on my list of comics to read first this week. The brief introduction to new villain, NoBody, last time has really stuck with me over the past few weeks and I’m guessing we’ll get further information as to why he’s got Bruce Wayne and his empire in his sights. No doubt we’ll also get to see the tensions between father and son increase as Bruce tries to impart his crimefighting wisdom upon his young, troublesome ward, Damian. It’s a recipe that should present a damn fine read once more and I’m really looking forward to picking up my copy.

One comic that I’m picking up, but I’m not necessarily looking forward to so much, is Green Lantern #2 by Geoff Johns and Doug Mahnke. That debut issue was quite a let down after the pretty impressive War Of The Green Lanterns event and I was quite surprised that Johns elected to head into the New 52 with such a weak and subdued effort. Fair enough, it’s a big thing that Sinestro has once again become a Green Lantern following the atrocities and crimes he’s been responsible for, and Hal Jordan has been expelled from the Corps, but it all felt a little too ‘soap opera’ in that first chapter and I really did get the feeling that it had been written with the intention to draw in those who watched - and importantly enjoyed! - the somewhat lacklustre live action movie released during the Summer and perhaps hadn’t read a Green Lantern comic before. My gut is telling me that Johns may be keeping this arc at a slowburner pace in which case my interest may quickly ebb away.

It’s not only the big two publishers who grace my pull-list today and for once I will be laying my hands on a Dark Horse title as Tom Morello - he of Rage Against The Machine and Audioslave fame - and artist Scott Hepburn bring us Orchid #1. It’s a post-apocalyptic tale of political inequality - a common theme in Morello’s various works, be they musical or literary - and the preview looks impressive and intriguing enough. For the super bargain price of $1.00 - yes $1.00!! - it’s got to be worth a look even in these times where pull-lists are literally bursting at the seams with new titles.

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