23 Jul 2019

On The Pull 24/07/2019

New comics are due to hit the shelves on Wednesday so here’s a look ahead at some of the books we’ll be picking up this week along with a full list of titles that will be available from Paradox Comics.

Matt C: Make mine Marvel? That could well be the case as the House of Ideas has a handful of books that are kind of a big deal, the top of the pile being the eagerly anticipated House Of X #1, with Jonathan Hickman attempting to reinvigorate a floundering franchise. Sure, the X-Men remain popular, but nowhere near the level they were twenty or thirty years ago when they were practically untouchable. There was a time when I used to religiously buy Uncanny X-Men, but that's not been the case for a long, long while. I still have enormous affection for the characters though, and if anyone's going to get me to return to the fold, it's Hickman. His last stint at Marvel - starting with Fantastic Four before running concurrently through Avengers and New Avengers and then culminating in Secret Wars - was an unquestionable high point for Marvel comics over the last decade: intelligent, audacious and surprising, it was a gripping coalescence of continuity both familiar and obscure that added some essential new elements to the mythos along the way (the Black Order!). If Hickman can repeat the trick with the X-Men, we're in for a wild ride.

On the subject of Marvel history and continuity, Mark Waid and Javier Rodriguez partner up to bring us a series entitled History Of The Marvel Universe, which appears to literally cover the history of the Marvel Universe, from the Big Bang to the twilight of existence. Waid knows a thing or two about Marvel's byzantine continuity, and the cover features the likes of Galactus, the Watcher AND Fing Fang Foom, so I'm automatically all over this. And if that wasn't enough, Kurt Busiek and Alex Ross bring us an epilogue to their stone cold classic, Marvels: a necessary purchase for anyone who treasures that series. Then there's Valkyrie: Jane Foster #1, for those of who think Jane wielding Mjolnir was the high point of Jason Aaron's lengthy run on Thor (and is now to be replicated in 2021's MCU movie Thor: Love & Thunder).

Just in case you get the impression I'm only about Marvel this week, let me point you in the direction of Lazarus: Risen #2, the second issue on the new quarterly schedule of what is probably my favourite series of the last few years. It's never too late to catch up on this, and it's consistently a jaw-dropper - proof positive of the unbridled power of the medium when its at its very best.

Aliens: Rescue #1 £3.30
Invisible Kingdom #5 £3.30

Action Comics #1013 £3.30
Batgirl #37 £3.30
Batman Beyond #34 £3.30
Batman: Curse of the White Knight #1 (of 8) £4.10
Detective Comics #1008 £3.30
Dial H for Hero #5 (of 6) £3.30
Flash #75 £4.10
Freedom Fighters #7 (of 12) £3.30
Justice League Dark #13 £3.30
Martian Manhunter #7 (of 12) £3.30
Scooby Doo Team-up #49 £2.50
Terrifics #18 £3.30
Wonder Woman #75 £4.10

Books of Magic #10 £3.30

Ascender #4 £3.30
Farmhand #10 £3.30
Lazarus Risen #2 £6.50
Middlewest #9 £3.30
Redneck #22 £3.30
Skyward #15 £3.30
Weatherman Vol.2 #2 £3.30
Wicked & Divine #44 £3.30

Age of Conan: Belit #5 (of 5) £3.30
Amazing Spider-Man #26 £3.30
Doctor Strange #16 £3.30
Fearless #1 (of 3) £4.10
Guardians of the Galaxy #7 £3.30
House of X #1 (of 6) £4.90
Magnificent Ms Marvel #5 £3.30
Marvel Rising #5 (of 5) £3.30
Marvel Tales: Hulk #1 £6.50
Moon Girl & Devil Dinosaur #45 £3.30
Secret Warps: Arachknight Annual #1 £4.10
Shuri #10 £3.30
Star Wars #69 £3.30
Sword Master #1 £3.30
Tony Stark Iron Man #14 £3.30
True Believers AC: Mania #1 £0.90
True Believers AC: Seperation Anxiety #1 £0.90
Web of Venom: Funeral Pyre #1 £4.10
X-Men #137 Facsimile Edition £4.10

2000AD #2141 £2.85
Archie #706 £3.30
Archie vs Predator 2 #1 (of 5) £3.30
Bone Parish #11 (of 12) £3.30
Dark Red #5 £3.30
Drawing Blood Spilled Ink #3 (of 4) £3.30
Dungeons & Dragons: A Darkened Wish #2 £3.30
Glow Summer Special 2019 £3.30
Grumble #8 £3.30
Iron Maiden Legacy of the Beast Vol.2 #2 £3.30
Life is Strange #7 £3.30
Livewire #8 £3.30
Magic the Gathering: Chandra #3 £3.30
Marvel Action: Avengers #6 £3.30
Marvel Action Classics: Hulk #1 £4.10
Mighty Morphin Power Rangers #41 £3.30
Monster World Golden Age #1 (of 6) £3.30
My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic #80 £3.30
Night Moves #5 (of 5) £3.30
Oz: Heart of Magic #4 (of 5) £3.30
Psi-Lords #2 £3.30
Sonic the Hedgehog #19 £3.30
Soulfire Vol.8 #2 £3.30
Star Trek: Q Conflict #6 (of 6) £3.30
Tank Girl #5 £3.30
Walk Through Hell #12 £3.30
Warlord of Mars Attacks #2 £3.30

Hellblazer Vol.21: Laughing Magician Tp £22.99
House of Whispers Vol.1 Tp £14.99
Punisher: Return to Big Nothing Tp £22.99
Savage Sword of Conan Viol.1 Tp £15.99

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